Sunday, January 3, 2010

Revisionist Boxing Match

Day 3: I hate censoring myself.

To any of the six people out in internet land who read the first installment of The Laziest Writer You Know, you may have noticed some sections have been recently omitted or altered as of ten minutes ago. Now, I know what you're thinking: He said he wouldn't pull any punches... and it certainly does look as though I'm doing just that.

As this blog remains in it's infancy, I'm still working out the kinks and debating on how public, private, or anonymous I should make things. It dawned on me earlier today, that is to say my sister specifically mentioned it to me, that some of what I had written in the first entry could unintentionally hurt some feelings. While I'm willing to punch myself, the last thing I'd ever want to do is punch the people I care about.

I'm beginning to think that one of the challenges that comes with blogging is the nonfictional element. There exists a very unique, 21st century tendency for over-sharing in our mixed up, shook-up social networking world. On one hand, a blogger aims to captivate his audience by sharing every inner thought and juicy observation they might not otherwise let fly in public. On the other, he weighs this necessity for blunt, hard, objectivity against the reactions and commentary of the very audience he tries to reach. My main character, Jack, encounters a similar dilemma involving the pitfalls of censorship and social networking.

Jack shares too much and can't be bothered with the fallout and collateral damage that comes from drunken pictures posted online or rambling livejournal entries about scoring pot on a budget. Most importantly, Jack doesn't see himself as a jerk and the more I start to write about his shortsightedness and douchebagery, the more humor I find in my past dealings with real people just like him.

TLDR: Loose lips sink ships, writers have a responsibility to be honest, yet humble, and Jack's character is starting to really take shape.

Current Project: The Muse
Pages Complete: 1/???
Album Completion: 2.5%

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