Thursday, January 14, 2010

Abandon ship and come check out the new blog!

Day 13: 'Aye the ship's struck the broadside of the fail whale, mateys! It's the title, thar it blows!

Ahem. Well, that's about as much pirate I can muster at this late an hour.

Dear readers,

After some deliberation brought about by some good advice, I've decided to ditch this blog for a new one.

Now, don't worry all the old entries are coming over to the new blog. Breathe, my friends, breathe. But the title sucks and doesn't really support the premise. My aim is to write as much as possible and to ditch bad habits, which includes such things as self deprecation disguised as humor. So with that, we'll all head over to my new blog for brownies and Postum. Okay?

It's a way cooler name and the first post doesn't suck... although it does seem a bit rambly. Actually, now's a good time to get some input! Post a comment on Syntactical Hiccups and tell me what ya think.

Take care all,


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