Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Contents under pressure, although some sediment may have occured

Day 6: Keeping focused

My sister made an interesting observation this evening regarding the content of my blog thus far. To paraphrase: "It's boring."

Well, fuck. Of course it's boring. It's less a blog and more an exercise in discipline and commitment. Perhaps the biggest, honking challenge I've faced thus far in my limited experiences writing has been sticking with things and let's face it, a blog about a guy writing a book doesn't sound like something I'd read. But stay with me just a second longer.

They say (just who the fuck is this "they" anyway?) that telling a good story has more to do with execution than the content. It's the "how" and "why", not as much the "what". Not to say that "what" doesn't certainly have it's place, but so much of good story telling lies in the delivery, right? Right?

Well, self deprecation and neuroticism aside, and yes I'm aware neuroticism may not be a word according to spellcheck, I'm at least satisfied with the story I'm writing and that's the important part. I need to outline a few more things (quite a bit actually) but I'm feeling more positive and energetic about things...mostly because I have to be as being pessimistic seems antithetical to productivity.

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